
Time Tracking Template

Written by Niamh Moynihan | Oct 12, 2024 9:40:39 PM

Time tracking can be a game changer for your productivity—when it's done right. Whether you're required to track your time at work or you're simply curious about where your hours are going, the key is to keep it simple and reflective. Here’s how to get started with the time tracking template I use.

Step 1: Download the Template

When you download the template, you'll find two options to choose from. Choose the one that suits you best:

1. Time by Hour: The days of the week are across the top, and the hours of the day are listed on the side. This is great if you prefer to track how you spend each specific hour.

2. Time by Category: The days of the week are across the top, and the side is blank for you to add categories of work (e.g., meetings, emails, project work). You simply input how many minutes or hours you spend in each category.


Step 2: Track Your Time

Start logging your time from the moment you download the template. Whether you choose to track by the hour or category, try to do it in real time or as close as possible. If you lose track of a few minutes here and there, don't worry. The idea is to reflect on your working week, not to have a perfect record.

Step 3: Review and Reflect  

At the end of the week, ask yourself some simple questions:

  • Did I spend time on the tasks most aligned with my goals?
  • Did I over-invest in some areas and neglect others?
  • What small tweaks could I make next week to better align my time with my priorities

Optional Step 4: Adjust as Needed 

If you find certain tasks are taking up more time than expected, or you notice you’re spending hours on low-value activities, make small adjustments week by week. Time tracking is most effective when used to inform better decisions.

You don’t need to track your time forever—just for as long as it’s helpful. And remember, this process is here to help you, not add stress. If you're not in a season where time tracking is needed, download the template now so it’s ready when you need it later.